AO Community,
I am forwarding onto you the info from US Ski and Snowboard regarding digital signatures as it has come up with our ‘least amount of contact’ discussions for the 2021 season. Please read and make sure you follow the procedures.
If you have any questions please reach out to me directly.
Thank you.
Lucy Conklin
Alpine Officials Education Working Group Chair
Hi Jeff and Roger,
We accept electronic signatures captured through electronic signature platforms such as DocuSign, Hellosign, PDFfiller, etc. Most jurisdictions recognize electronic signatures on documents and signature platforms allow for a digital audit trail if the signer opens a link from an email and signs or enters an email when completing the form and then receives a copy.
It’s fine for an organizer or club to use the option that is most cost efficient for them. Any forms that would have typically been provided as hard copies with wet signatures may be accepted as electronic copies with digital signatures.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
Alison Pitt
General Counsel
U.S. Ski & Snowboard